How to create a design brief for your home.

What is a design brief?

An architectural design brief for an architect is like a recipe or road map for a journey. It is a document that we work on together that outlines essential details such as the purpose of your home, the desired style, the budget, and any specific features or functions that are important.

No two projects are ever the same, and the way our clients like to communicate their brief varies. We will ask probing questions, present a selection of images, and discuss what you like and dislike.

Some clients bring in a portfolio of cutouts from magazines, some invite us to collaborate on their Pinterest boards or send through a PDF document. However, other clients just prefer to talk it through with us over a coffee. As they say, all roads lead to Rome, and each approach works for us, we will respond and pivot to your style of working.

Where to start?

Typically, we start by asking you to consider the fundamentals, for example:

  • Do you have a preferred floor size in mind?
  • How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you require?
  • Are there any specific functional requirements or considerations, such as home office or gym?
  • How many levels/floors are you envisioning?
  • What is your desired architectural style or aesthetic preference?
  • What are your budget requirements?

We then go into further detail and try to establish how you will use the space, ie:

  • We’ll ask you about your current home, and your likes and dislikes.
  • We might ask you to describe your daily routine, and how much time you spend in the different areas.
  • Do you like to cook/host dinner parties?
  • Would you like to have sight lines to the children, or just be able to hear them?

Following that we will then brainstorm your ideas, and challenge your preconceptions. If we can establish your non-negotiables we will be better prepared to deliver on the brief.

How we work – Stage 1.

We believe our strength lies in translating your vision into your new home. We get you, we listen to how you want your home to feel, and your unique style. We work with you to draw out the unique and personal traits that make a house a home - understanding your brief is key to finding imaginative and thoughtful designs. We integrate your brief with the desired design aesthetic and respond in a contemporary and timeless manner to the unique circumstances and environment of your site.

Darren and Jacinda collaboratively work on the brief and design phase with you. Together they have over 40 years of experience in the industry. Their skill sets complement each other, Jacinda will visit your site and gather all of the relevant information required. They will then sit down together and work through the recipe for your home, and come up with the overall vision for the project. We consider this the backbone of the design and it helps define architectural clarity and strength, which then filters through to every level of the design - the architecture, the interiors, and the outdoor spaces. We like to think this is where the magic happens.

Depending on the complexity of your project we often charge a fixed price fee for STAGE 1. We are proud of the fact that 99% of the time we hit the design nail on the head with only a few minor refinements requested. However, if we have somehow missed the mark, we will happily change the concept design moving forward until you are satisfied, with no hidden or extra fees.